Monday, 29 July 2013

This Week's Events

Guten Tag Tempelhofers,

The W. messed it up again. Tuesday is a private Event, where Yas and her girls do filming - sorry.

no "Tanzmusik" this week! We'll be hosting some real artists instead:

Tue, 30.07. - 01:00 pm SLT: Burlesque with Yasmine and Jini
Wed, 31.07. - 01:00 pm SLT: Clyde Barrow sings live

Viele Grüße
Tempelhof Staff

Monday, 22 July 2013

Pippa returns to Tempelhof

The much loved Pippa Exonia returned to Tempelhof to re-open the theatre after its summer break.  The displaced Aussie songstress entertained residents and visitors of Tempelhof with her wonderful mix of classic songs.

This Week's Events

Guten Tag Tempelhofers,

Summer Break is over and we're back in Business!
We'll be Hosting two Events, this week:

Monday, 22.07. - 01:00 pm SLT: Pippa Exonar sings live.
Wednesday, 24.07.  - 01:00 pm SLT: DJ Otawan Fouquet.

Hope to see you around.
Tempelhof Staff

Friday, 12 July 2013

What landed me on Tempelhof (part 2)

Ahoy - it's me again. (read part 1)

I promised to offer some more answers - here we go!

If you ever asked yourself how comes a German girl is called "Misty" ...
- that is of course more of a nickname.
Tempelhof has been especially popular among English speaking tourists, so most folks on the island are more or less familiar with that language.
My legal name is Britta ... Britta Pein - but few tourists were able to pronounce that properly.
When I was still learning the ropes as a waitress, tons of things went wrong - so the word the guests heard pretty often from me was "Mist!!" - or even "Mist-Mist-Mist!!!" if I screwed up completely. "Mist" is a mild German form for "shit!" ... like "crap!" perhaps.
One day a friendly tourist who used to joke with me a lot said: "Young lady. This is a wonderful clear and sunny day - no mist whatsoever. But because you seem so fond of that term I might call you 'Misty' from now on - if you have no objections".
That nickname stuck to me. I like it and it is way easier to say and to spell for folks from abroad.
When back home some tourists sent me letters or postcards - most wrote 'Payne' instead of 'Pein'.
So - that's why. Meanwhile even most Germans call me Misty and I'm fine with it.

Why a humble waitress and dancer dashes around in high-tech submarines? 
Well - Tempelhof always was a small naval base. Just a handful U-boats, some minesweepers, some trawlers.

Due to my interest for all things nautical, I spent much of my spare time down by the docks, becoming friends with many of the sailors.
They began to show me around, even took me for short trips (TOTALLY against any military rule of course) and I learned pretty quick how to steer a boat.
That became handy, when we ran short of men during the war.
I helped out testing boats after repairs and improvements or with redeploying them to the (now destroyed) submarine pens.
Of course they never took me on any military mission, because women still ain't allowed to join the armed forces.
So my 'rank' (Fähnrich zur See = ensign on a ship, midshipman), just as any other military task I'm responsible for now, is unofficial.

After the departure of the nazi staff and the death of commander Fehrer, StFz Wertmuller found himself the highest-ranking soldier - so he jumped in and has been in charge of any operations or tactical plans since.
One of the first things he pointed out was (quote) "Also, please take into account that we take great pride in our policy of Equal Working Conditions, where we employ people regardless of gender, sexual orientation or talent."- that's why you even see women operating the FLAK guns and stuff. Some say his encouraging words were just a polite way to tell us: "Move your lazy bum and make yourself useful!". And especially after the 'U-boat incident' I had to think a bit about the 'talent'-part of his little speech.

This directly leads to 'da buzz-bomb': 

We still had one intact V-1 launcher ... as well as some bombs.
But due to the fact we are a bit short on explosives ... and because we don't really believe in the benefices of bombing and terrorizing civilians ... it came to my mind to convert the ramp so it points to the east now - where the mainland lies - removing the explosives from the war heads and to use the freed-up space to stuff letters and postcards into it: TaDa! Airborne mail, Misty-style.
After the war I will see to get this awesome concept patented.
No idea if anything ever reached the addressees - but hey! We tried, didn't we??

Last question you might have on your mind: Why is a chambermaid in charge of the radio station?? 
Hmm... just another of many 'dirty jobs' StFz Wertmuller has seen fit to impose on lil me - mostly because my dad has been an amateur radio operator and I once blurted out I knew how those things work.
And according to my motto "Never ask what your people can do for you - always ask yourself: What can -I- do for my people??" - Bullshit of course: He said "Duckling - YOU operate that thing!" - so I just do it. Cause I'm compliant. What a drag. Anyway.

In part 3 I will tell what happened to the harbor master, the lighthouse keeper - and how we managed to remove the few Jews and other 'endangered species' to a safe place.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Note to the Editor 

Tempelhof, 28. April 1945

Von: Misty Payne, commissarial in charge of Militärische Abwehr

Betreff: 'body in the sewers'

Dear Editor,

surprised enough the rats did not finish him off already (might be some kind of courtesy among colleagues) - all I can say is: That are the reminders of Hans Fehrer - former Ortsgruppenleiter of the NSDAP and Inselkommandant of Tempelhof.

Me and my sister found him the day after the other nazi bastards stole our best U-boat and took off to Argentina (some say they actually were heading to 'New Swabia' in the Antarctic).

The commander sat slumped in a puddle of his own blood at his desk.
On that: his Luger Parabellum, some cash (pretty useless on Tempelhof - there is nothing to sell or to buy anymore. We just share what is left) and a "returned to sender" postcard to his sister in Freiburg - thus meaning she might have gotten bombed out during the last severe air raids.
We found some empty bottles of wine, so we aren't sure if he refused to flee with his comrades - or was just too drunk to do so.

Anyway - it was more than obvious he shot himself in the head.
All we did was to unload his gun, wrap his body into a blanket and drag that fat bastard to the sewers. Basically because we just had no idea where else to put him.

I hereby declare we did NOT change anything else on the scene - in case of further investigations.
We still use the radio device (which the staff fortunately did not render useless when they ransacked the office) to keep in touch with our raider-boats or in case anybody in the Reich will try to contact us.

Before the party left they destroyed all evidences of crimes on Tempelhof - that's why the office looks so devastated.
Depending on how the Allies will treat us after the war comes to an end, we might be willing to help with the investigations.

To the best of one's knowledge and belief:
Misty Payne, Fähnrich zur See