Tempelhof, 28. April 1945
Von: Misty Payne, commissarial in charge of Militärische Abwehr
Betreff: 'body in the sewers'
Dear Editor,
surprised enough the rats did not finish him off already (might be some kind of courtesy among colleagues) - all I can say is: That are the reminders of Hans Fehrer - former Ortsgruppenleiter of the NSDAP and Inselkommandant of Tempelhof.

The commander sat slumped in a puddle of his own blood at his desk.

We found some empty bottles of wine, so we aren't sure if he refused to flee with his comrades - or was just too drunk to do so.
Anyway - it was more than obvious he shot himself in the head.
All we did was to unload his gun, wrap his body into a blanket and drag that fat bastard to the sewers. Basically because we just had no idea where else to put him.
I hereby declare we did NOT change anything else on the scene - in case of further investigations.

Before the party left they destroyed all evidences of crimes on Tempelhof - that's why the office looks so devastated.
Depending on how the Allies will treat us after the war comes to an end, we might be willing to help with the investigations.
To the best of one's knowledge and belief:
Misty Payne, Fähnrich zur See
Oh... maybe we just were too much in shock to notice anything else than the head shot (right between the eyes!) - but we wondered, how a man with two broken legs managed to get into the second floor... Well - "Triumph of the Will" perhaps.
ReplyDeleteAfter thinking a while over that - does that imply, anyone else found Ortsgruppenleiter Fehrer worth MORE than ONE shot??
I mean - didn't we ALL love the Führer's vicegerent??
Nah - actually NO ONE liked that fat and blasé bastard - to be honest.
But - the Bible has "don't slander the death!" - so just this: BURN in HELL, Fehrer - you bloody BASTARD!
Feeling a bit better now - Misty Payne